Bolstering your immune system for the changing seasons can help you fend off illness and spend more time doing what you love.

Of course, your body's ability to fight off seasonal bugs isn't just about the weather. What you eat, how active you are, and how stressed you feel all play a part.

To stay healthy year-round, you'll want to monitor these things as the seasons change. Eating well, staying active, and managing stress can help you avoid getting sick, whether it's in the cold of winter or the heat of summer.

Supplements can also give your immune system the goodies it needs to produce antibodies, revitalise energy levels, and keep you feeling at your best.

This article discusses how to prepare your immune system for the changing seasons and lists the best supplements to boost it.  

Eat a healthy and varied diet

Eating various foods from each of the five food groups in the recommended amounts daily will help maintain a healthy immune system.

These are the five food groups:

·       Carbohydrates

·       Protein

·       Dairy products (or vegan substitutes)

·       Fruit and vegetables

·       Fats and sugars

You need a healthy diet to provide your body with sufficient energy and nutrients to keep your immune system working properly.

Sleep and exercise 

Your immune system kicks into overdrive while you sleep as your body produces new antioxidants, hormones, and cells that bolster your immunity.

Sleep deprivation disrupts this process. For example, sleeping less than 6-7 hours per night increases the likelihood of catching common illnesses like colds and flu.

Here are a few ways to sleep better:

·       Blackout your bedroom

·       Get a comfortable mattress

·       Wear earplugs

·       Avoid caffeine a few hours before bed

Exercise is another crucial factor in healthy immunity. It isn't just good for cardiovascular health and maintaining muscle mass and bone density – it can also help de-stress your mind and make you think clearly.

Walking and running are fantastic exercises because they can be done almost anywhere. If you're up for it, a gym membership (or weights at home) will also strengthen your muscles and blood pumping.

Relaxation techniques

Closing your eyes and lying down for a bit might not seem like a great immunity booster, but you shouldn’t underestimate the power of de-stressing.

Stress is well known to impact the immune system by slowing down its response to infection, a by-product of the stress hormone cortisol. In other words, you are more susceptible to getting sick when you are stressed out.

Here are some relaxation techniques to help out:

·       Yoga

·       Tai chi

·       Reading

·       Aromatherapy

·       Massage

·       Walking

·       Meditation

Some of these directly relate to exercise – look for ways to stay active and calm your mind to bolster your immune system even more.

Supplements to prepare your immune system 

No supplement or food guarantees to boost your immune system, although multiple vitamins, minerals, and compounds – such as antioxidants – play valuable roles in building immunity.


A good multivitamin with all the essential B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron will fill any gaps in your nutrition and bolster your immunity.

All these ingredients play roles in the body as direct supplements or precursors for producing new compounds.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a popular supplement among athletes because it’s proven to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise (ideal if you intend to ramp up your physical activity levels!).

Vitamin C also reduces tiredness and fatigue, so if you're struggling to stay awake or feel tired during the day, it could help.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because we get most of our requirements from the sun (our bodies synthesise it from UV B radiation).

Unfortunately, that also means those working indoors can be deficient, and winter is also known to create deficiencies.

Adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for normal immune function and blood calcium levels. Calcium plays a role in immunity by signalling the immune cells, helping to activate them when needed.

B vitamin complex

B vitamin complex supplements contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12 in a single capsule or tablet.

These supplements usually contain higher doses of B vitamins than multivitamins, so they can be beneficial if you have increased B vitamin needs or deficiencies.


Zinc is known to directly contribute to a healthy immune system.

Your body uses zinc to protect cells from oxidative stress, which is also necessary for DNA synthesis. Both these functions are crucial for immunity.


Iron helps regulate the immune function of the gut microbiome and is known to contribute to the normal function of the immune system.

Additionally, it is crucial for normal cognitive function and energy-yielding metabolism, so supplementing can improve your health in more ways than one.

Bee propolis

Bee propolis is a traditional medicine found in honeybee hives. It has promising impacts on human immunity, including anti-inflammatory effects in the gut and inhibiting the spread of free radicals in the blood.

Bee propolis can be taken in capsule/tablet form, as a liquid (perfect for shakes), as a throat spray, or in lozenges.

Lion's mane

Lion's mane is an edible, medicinal mushroom popular in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). It contains a protein called HEP3, which some studies have shown improves the immune system by regulating the gut microbiota.

It also contains compounds your body can use to support cell growth, such as erinacines, alkaloids, steroids, and polysaccharides.

Summing up

It's easy to assume your immune system can handle things on its own, but the truth is, it needs your help. Your daily habits significantly impact how well your body fights off illnesses.

Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying active aren't just good for your overall health – they're crucial for keeping your immune system in top shape. Stress can also take a toll, weakening your defences when you need them most.